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IGNOU PGDBP Study Material

if you need  IGNOU PGDBP  study material , we will provide complete PGDBP study material  on this page. we will provide complete PGDBP Study material  for all  IGNOU students. All  pdf available in our web portal. Students who are looking for their study material of  IGNOU PGDBP  programme  can get their complete study material from this page.

 List For IGNOU Study Materials PGDBP  


CourseCode Course Name Click here
 MBP-001  Introduction to Publishing in Book and Its Legal Aspects  Download
 MBP-002  Editing and Pre-Press  Download
 MBP-003  Production and Emerging Technologies  Download
 MBP-004  Marketing, Promotion and Distribution of Books  Download
 MBP-005  Editing Books for Children  Download
 MBP-006  Editing Scientific, Technical and Medical Books  Download
 MBP-007  Editing Textbooks  Download
 MBP-008  Apprenticeship/Training  Download


After every few years, the university updates its old syllabus in order to be updated with the time. The syllabus of IGNOU  PGDBP is changed on the basis of future goals for students,


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We as a whole realize that assuming you need to go to your PGDBP  Examinations, then, at that point it is compulsory that you initially present your PGDBP  tasks to the college. That is the place where you can find support from PGDBP  Materials/Books to address your tasks.

PGDBP Assignments

IGNOU  University has uploaded assignments question of new session on  official website. students should check latest assignments question and make hand written solved assignments soon. students should submit their assignments in own study center before submitting last date . students should make their assignments copy Seperately. Students should submitting  their hand written Assignments before Term End Exam. Do not use plastic cover in your hand written assignments.

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