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July 2024 and January 2025 Sessions


MMPC-001: Management Functions and Organisational Processes

(Last date of submission for July 2024 session is 31st October, 2024 and for January 2025 sessions is 30th April, 2025)



Course Code              :           MMPC-001

Course Title               :           Management Functions and Organisational Processes Assignment Code                           :           MMPC-001/TMA/JULY/2024

Coverage                    :           All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study centre. Last date of submission for July 2024 session is 31st October, 2024 and for January 2025 sessions is 30th April, 2025.


Read the following case study carefully.


XYZ Corporation: Navigating Through Change


XYZ Corporation is a mid-sized company specializing in consumer electronics. Over the past decade, XYZ Corporation has seen significant growth due to its innovative products and strong market presence. However, recent changes in the market, increased competition, and technological advancements have put pressure on the company to adapt and evolve. The company’s CEO, Mr. Rajesh Kumar, has decided to implement a series of strategic changes to maintain the company’s competitive edge. These changes include:


  • Restructuring the organization to improve
  • Introducing new technology to enhance product
  • Expanding into new international
  • Developing a stronger online




  1. Management Functions:


  1. Identify and describe the four fundamental functions of management as they pertain to the case
  2. Provide specific examples from the case study where XYZ Corporation demonstrates each of these


b.  Management Theories:


  1. Select two management theories and explain their relevance to the changes being implemented at XYZ
  2. Discuss how these theories can be applied to enhance the effectiveness of XYZ Corporation’s management


c.   Leadership Styles:


  1. Analyze the leadership style of CEO Mr. Rajesh Kumar based on the case study. Is he more of an autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire leader? Provide evidence from the case study to support your
  2. Recommend an alternative leadership style or approach that might be effective for XYZ Corporation in navigating through these Justify your recommendation.


d.  Change Management:


  1. Discuss the challenges that XYZ Corporation might face in implementing these strategic How can the management team address employee resistance to change?
  2. Propose a change management model that would be appropriate for XYZ Corporation. Explain how the chosen model can be applied in this




Your analysis should be 3,000 to 4,000 words in length.


Evaluation Criteria:


  • Demonstration of understanding of management functions and
  • Application of theories to the case
  • Quality and depth of
  • Clarity of communication and organization of


Note: You are encouraged to use additional resources and real-world examples to support your analysis. Critical thinking and originality will be highly valued in your responses.


Grading Rubric:


Criterion (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


Understanding of Management Functions

Demonstrates thorough understanding with clear, detailed examples from the case study.  

Demonstrates good understanding with relevant examples.


Demonstrates basic understanding with some examples.


Shows limited understanding with few or no examples.

Lacks understanding and does not provide relevant examples.

Application of Management Theories

Skillfully applies theories to case study with deep insight and relevance.  

Applies theories well with good relevance.


Applies theories with some relevance.

Limited application of theories with minimal relevance.  

Fails to apply theories or does so inaccurately.


Leadership Style Analysis

Provides insightful and well-supported analysis of Provides a well-supported analysis with good evidence. Provides a basic analysis with some supporting Provides a weak analysis with little supporting Fails to analyze or provides an inaccurate


Criterion (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
leadership style with strong evidence. evidence. evidence. analysis.

Change Management Proposal

Proposes a highly effective model with clear, relevant application to the case study. Proposes an effective model with good application. Proposes a model with some relevance and application. Proposes a model with limited relevance and application. Fails to propose an appropriate model or does so inaccurately.

Communication and Organization

Exceptionally clear, well- organized, and engaging writing with no errors. Clear and

well-organized writing with minimal errors.

Satisfactory writing with some organization and few errors.  

Poorly organized writing with several errors.


Unclear and disorganized writing with many errors.











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