Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. (20×5)
Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write a critical note on Tradition and Innovation. Discuss the case study of
Biswakarma festival as an ‘invented’ tradition. (20)
2. Discuss folk medicines with special reference to Ayurveda and Unani, placing
them in the contemporary research of folk narratives. (20)
3. Does creativity affect tradition? Justify your answer with case studies. (20)
4. What are the main tenets of the Primordialist Theory of Identity and
Transformation? (20)
5. Discuss Halloween as a folk tradition, and talk about its Indian counterpart.
6. What is the basic argument of the Frankfurt School of Art and
Commodification? (20)
7. What are some of the measures taken by the UN to preserve traditional culture?