The programme will be of use to those, who are willing to get employment (direct or indirect) in Travel and Tourism Industry, intend to make career in Tourism Industry, are providing tourism related services through own enterprises or planning to become such entrepreneur. The programme(btsol) is also useful for those who are associated with tourism awareness programmes/research and would like to update their knowledge and skills in the field of travel and tourism.
PTS 1 Project Proposal
After identifying the area of study and a proper theme, you should prepare a Project Proposal/ Synopsis in not more than 400 words. Your Proposal is essentially a description of what you propose to do and how you intend to go about it. In your Proposal, you should outline the objectives of your study, mention the kind of data that is available and state a work plan that you propose to follow. Proposal should also include the issues you are going to raise while conducting your work. You may also discuss your Project Proposal, with your friends and colleagues, your counselor and any experts in that field that you know about.
You should choose a theme which is to your liking and one which should sustain your interest. It is very important that you are familiar with the geographical area you wish to base your theme on. It should also be accessible to you. Generally it is a good idea to choose a surrounding which is close by, or within your travelling range. It is a good thing to be close to one’s sources. .
IGNOU PTS 1 Project Report
chapter | title |
TITLE. | The first page of the ignou project report should be the title of the project. |
INTRODUCTION. | In this chapter, we have to write about the problem. in this chapter, we have to write the purpose of the project clearly. |
LITERATURE REVIEW. | A literature review sums up and incorporates the current insightful exploration on a specific subject. Literature surveys are a type of scholarly composing usually utilized in technical studies, sociologies, and humanities. Be that as it may, dissimilar to investigate papers, which set up new contentions and make unique commitments, literature audits sort out and present existing examination. As an understudy or scholarly, you may deliver a literature survey as an independent paper or as a segment of a bigger examination venture. |
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY | is an approach to deliberately taking care of a research issue. It is a study of concentrating on how research is done experimentally. Basically, it is the method by which the researchers approach their work of portraying, assessing, and anticipating marvel. It means to give the work plan of research. It gives preparing in picking strategies materials, logical instruments, and procedures pertinent to the arrangement of the issue. |
RESULTS & DISCUSSION | The findings of the research paper after the statistical analysis of data are reported in tabular and graphical form. This is then discussed in the light of the existing research paper studies. |
CONCLUSION. | Under this heading, the learner has to conclude the findings of the research. |
REFERENCES | we have to write references in APA format. |
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Topics of IGNOU PTS 1 Project
• Regional sculpture. A comparison of many styles and shapes. It is also possible to work on developing a specific style or shape over time.
• Archaeological sites in a region and their connections to other sites. A comparative analysis of sites in an area, as well as the visitor flow at these sites and any auxiliary attractions, can be conducted.
• A museum in your region/city. The museum’s artifact collection and care, as well as the interest of locals and tourists in the museum, are obvious areas. A study of a specific type of items at the museum, for example, can be done.
• Region-specific crafts and artisans. The issue of authenticity in craft forms and their economic viability, as well as the value of a craft in the region’s total commercial production.
• Textiles – small-scale production, materials, patterns, and so forth. Over time, development occurs. Special costume in an area, the evolution of regional fashions through time Specialist craftspeople involved in manufacturing and industrial organization can be researched.
• Tribal cultures in your area It is possible to research their social, economic, or religious structures or behaviors. A comparison of tribes in the aforementioned locations. Interaction of tribal and urban cultures Policies concerning tribes (whether government or non-government) and their influence on tribes
• A critical examination of government cultural policy. The policies and their impact on tourism, for example.
• Description of the distinctive aspects of the local environment.
• Conservation status – local environment
• Different approaches for promoting tourism in your community/region without affecting the environment.
• Developmental activities in your community and area, as well as their environmental effect
• The infrastructure required for access to your community’s or region’s environmental resources.
• Listing and categorizing your community’s/natural region’s resources.
• Conducting a survey of the community’s perceptions of its natural resources.
• Surveying tourist behavior in relation to the local/regional environment.
• Investigating the environmental protection measures implemented by hotels in your community.
• An inventory of the flora and wildlife of the local/regional area.
• The potential for tourist expansion, with a focus on local/regional flora and wildlife.
• Being aware of environmental issues in your community
• Possibilities for interpreting your local landscape and the tourist.
• Local rules and laws governing environmental protection.
• Sikkim Tourist Attractions
• Goa Cultural And Heritage Tourism
• Kerala Ayurvedic Tourism
• An Investigation Into Religious Tourism in Kerala
• Kolkata’s Culture: A Tourist Attraction
• A Study of Pune’s Culture
• An Overview of Ahmedabad’s Culture
• Cultural, Arts, and Crafts Study in Maharashtra
• Hyderabad Archaeological Sites
• Tourism in God’s Own Country Kerala is on the rise.
• Sikkim’s Culture, Arts, and Crafts
• Research the physical hydrology of your region/location.
• An Investigation into Kerala Beaches
• Kerala’s History and Culture
Project should be based on fieldwork/attachment with industry or a case study. It should not be copied from Internet / Websites or bought from market. Such projects would be rejected.